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Infrastructure for e-Governance
Common Services Centres (CSCs) have been envisioned as the frontend delivery points for taking the Government, Private and Social Services (G2C and B2C services) to the rural citizens. We have also established an institution called Lokvani, responsible for delivering e-services to the common people. At present we have 3300 Lokvani Kendras, 15,800 Common Service Centres, and 100 E-suvidha kendras. More than 26 government services are currently being provided to the citizens through these centres. The state portal went live on 1st August, 2012. The portal has been developed to provide departmental services and information to the citizens electronically. Within a short period of time, more than 1 crore e-Transactions have happened through this portal. Uttar Pradesh is one of the early pioneers in the digitisation of land records. Anyone can go and see his or her land records through a computer from any part of the world. The digitisation of land records was completed more than four years ago. The system is completely secure and it is quite popular with the citizens. We have a system, where the land records get updated every week, because of the fact that there are transfers of land due to property transactions, gifts, inheritance, etc. You can also take a printout of the land records. The system, as it has been designed, is working flawlessly. In the next phase, we are trying to develop a system where you can get the land records digitally signed. Once this system is in place, a citizen will be able to walk into an authorised centre and take digitally signed land records. Today unsigned copies of land records are available to everyone. The site from which one can get the land records in Uttar Pradesh is called Bhulekh. It is located at: http://bhulekh.up.nic.in/. The e-District project is successfully running in six districts of Uttar Pradesh – Ghaziabad, Gautam buddh Nagar, Sultanpur, Raebareilly, Sitapur and Gorakhpur. Under this programme various Government services, including issuance of Caste, Income, Domicile, Handicap, Birth/Death (Rural & Urban) certificates, Revenue Court, Ration Card related services are being provided. Till date, more than 90 lakh e-Transactions have happened using this application in six e-districts through Jan Seva Kendra/Jan Suvidha Kendra/ Lokvani Kendra. The District e-Governance Society (DeGS) has been constituted in all the Districts to ensure that there is smooth implementation of the programme. Regular training programs are being organised to make all the stakeholders familiar with the new automated system. These programmes cover various topics related to e-Governance such as e-Governance Project Life Cycle, DPR, RFP Preparation, Use of Digital Signature etc.